Record Rain for Columbus, OH

Columbus has experienced record rain this season, and it doesn’t seem like its letting up anytime soon. While we need rain for several reasons, too much can wreak havoc on our communities, even our ecosystem. How could record rain affect your roof?

How Rain Affects Your Roof

We often associate rain with tranquility – in fact, it can be relaxing to watch a rain storm pass through from the comfort of your home. On the other hand, a neglected roof can make a rainstorm the stuff of nightmares. Record rain may affect an older roof in many ways, including:

  • Leaking roofLeaks. Leaky roofs are a sure sign that you’re overdue for repairs. You might be experiencing leaks because the wooden decking underneath your shingles is rotted or coming apart. At the very least, it means your shingles aren’t doing their job.
  • Staining. Not all leaks lead to standing water. In fact, one of the first signs you may notice is staining on your ceiling, particularly in your attic. On bare wood, these stains may seem like subtle discoloration, but on white interior ceilings, you might notice rust-colored rings. Stains are often indicative of a roof problem, so arrange for a professional inspection as soon as possible.
  • Wood rot or mold. A telltale sign of a roof in need of repair is rotted wood or mold around your flashing. Flashing refers to the material we use to protect your roof joints. Persistent exposure to moisture – such as record rains – can damage your flashing and create the perfect conditions for mold growth. Mold can lead to indoor air quality problems, so never ignore it.
  • Cracks. Heavy standing rain on your roof can lead to wood rot or cracking. This highlights the importance of cleaning your gutters regularly, because a cracked roof is more than just a minor repair.

What Can I Do if I Notice a Leak?

You may have noticed one of these leak symptoms in your home this season. If this is the case, don’t panic. There are several things you can do to tackle the problem:

  • Roof leakDon’t ignore it. This is a good rule to observe in general, but it especially applies to your roofing problems. If you ignore a leak, your wooden decking becomes vulnerable to more rot and mold growth. This can affect your home’s interior, leading to costly repairs. Don’t let the problem get any worse – take immediate action.
  • Use an ounce of prevention. A preventive approach is best when it comes to roofing. After every rainstorm, take a pair of binoculars and examine your roof for signs of damage – you’re looking for missing shingles, mold or algae streaking in one area, or rot around your flashing. Also, check your downspouts for iridescent granules, which is a sign your shingles are disintegrating (and reaching the end of their lifespan).
  • Contain the leak. If you hear telltale dripping coming from your attic, grab a bucket or something else to contain the water. Then, take a screwdriver or other pointed object and poke a hole in the center of the leak (there may be a bulging spot). It may seem counter intuitive to poke holes in your ceiling, but it relieves the pressure of the standing water and may prevent further damage.
  • Check your gutters and downspouts. If you notice excessive water buildup, the problem might be clogged gutters. During storms, the wind may blow leaves and other debris onto your roof and into your gutters. When the storm passes, check to see if you need a gutter cleaning (you don’t need to climb onto the roof – a pair of binoculars works fine). Never get on a roof when it’s wet, and consider hiring a professional for cleaning.
  • Contact a professional roofer. If you notice symptoms of a leak, call a professional for a roof inspection as soon as possible. The sooner we address a problem, the less costly the repair will be. For example, a minor leak may require a roof repair – but let the problem fester, and you could be looking at an entire roof replacement.

When We Work

Rainy seasons like this can be tricky for roofers. Since the rain can create or highlight roofing problems, we often get more calls in a rainy season. Unfortunately, we can’t work during rainstorms. It’s not only unsafe for our roofers, it would be a waste of materials. It’s essential that wooden decking remains dry while we apply shingles – if we lay shingles on damp wood, we’re encouraging the growth of mold. We’re ready and willing to help – but we need a couple of sunny days to do so. Call us for a free estimate! Here at Able Roof, we are dedicated to providing the very best in all aspects. We have over 50 years of experience and over 250,000 satisfied customers, so you can feel confident you are getting it done right.

Able Roofing

Professional exterior renovation company in Columbus, Ohio specializing in roofing, siding, windows, gutters, masonry and insulation.

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