Able Roofing
Central Ohio’s #1 Roofer

(614) 444-2253


How to Find a Roof Contractor if You Have Hail Damage

Hail is one of the biggest causes of roof and other exterior damages. Large pieces of hail  break shingles and knock them loose. Hail dents and cracks your gutters leaving your home susceptible to water damage. The good news is that most homeowners’ insurance policies will pay to replace your roof if hail damages it. Here’s what to do if you suspect damage after a storm.

Signs of Hail Damage on the Ground

It’s hard to see roof damage from the ground, but there are some other damages you can look for that might indicate your roof is damaged too.

  •  Look for dented gutter or roof screens- Inspect your gutters for dents or other signs of damage. Odds are, if your gutters are damaged your roof is too.
  •  Examine siding and windows- Small punctures in siding and dents in metal window frames show hail damage to your home’s exterior that are probably even worse on the roof.
  •  Check your outdoor air conditioning unit- Your A/C’s metal top might show hail dings.
  •  Check out your deck and painted surfaces- Hail can chip paint and wood, which indicates what might have happened on your roof.

If you see signs of hail damage, there might be further damage on your roof. If you don’t have the right kind of ladder to get on your roof or if your roof has a steep pitch, stay on the ground. If your roof is damaged enough to warrant replacement, you will need an estimate from a qualified company. Call your roofing company to inspect it for you.

Inspecting Your Roof

We do not recommend you try an inspect your own roof. Most roofing companies offer free estimates/inspections, so if you think your roof may be damaged sign up for a free appointment and avoid the risk and hassle of climbing on your roof.

If you decide to inspect your roof before contacting an expert, use caution while you’re on the roof. Check for missing or broken shingles along the top ridge of your roof first, then work your way down. Feel shingles to check for indentations.

If you look at your shingles and they have a shiny, silvery appearance, it indicates hail damage. Hail knocks off the top, protective layer of asphalt. If your shingles are shiny, your roof is in the last stages of its lifespan.

Check roof vents and other metal surfaces for dings. Broken skylights show where large chunks of ice broke through. Examine your gutters from above to see if they show signs of damage.

Repair or Wait?

The purpose of homeowners’ insurance is to repair your home when it’s damaged by circumstances outside your control. Some policies have a statute of limitations on how long after a storm they will pay to repair damages. You pay a lot of money every year to make sure you’re covered for just this type of natural disaster.

Choosing the Right Roofing Professional

The most qualified roofing experts usually aren’t the ones that show up at your door after a storm offering free estimates. The best companies stay in demand year-round. Look for a roofing contractor with these qualifications.

  •  Insurance. Ask to see certificates for liability insurance and workers’ compensation.
  •  Clear and competitive pricing. Find out exactly what materials they use, how long your new roof will last, and if there are any hidden costs. Get it in writing to protect both you and the roofing expert.
  •  References and experience. Choose a company that has an established business and satisfied customer base.

Able Roof has an entire team of residential and commercial exterior problem solvers. We have offered the best customer service to over 250,000 customers already. If you suspect hail damage, call us today for a free estimate.

Able Roofing

Professional exterior renovation company in Columbus, Ohio specializing in roofing, siding, windows, gutters, masonry and insulation.

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